Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".



home-pressed, is twice as tasty

In a lively school project, the first-graders at Buterland School joined forces with Mr. and Mrs. Gartmann to make their own apple juice. With a lot of energy and muscle power, the children turned the apples from the school garden and other fruit donations into delicious apple juice - step by step and true to the motto: "From apple to bottle!"

The activity took place in three stages: First, the apples were chopped up in a machine, then the pupils joined forces to squeeze the juice out of the fruit. It wasn't just the machines that were important here - the children really had to lend a hand and flex their muscles. After the fresh juice was filtered in a final station, the young juice masters were able to proudly bottle their work.

Special thanks go to Mr. and Mrs. Gartmann, who not only worked as teachers at the Buterland School until the early 2000s, but still do a lot for school life today - even in their well-earned retirement, when they no longer have to do anything. They not only brought the necessary equipment with them, but also took care of almost everything during the event and actively supported the children.

The effort that the two of them put into this project cannot be emphasized enough. Thanks to their efforts, the children experienced the entire process - from the apple to the finished juice - up close and with a great deal of enjoyment. An instructive and, above all, "juicy" day that everyone will remember fondly!

Impressions from the day