The Start Opportunities Program

Ms. Hüning with the plaque for the Startchancen program, which is now also starting at the Buterland School.

The Startchancen program supports over 900 schools in North Rhine-Westphalia that have a high proportion of socially and economically disadvantaged pupils. This includes the Buterland School, which will be participating in this support and school development program from the 2024/25 school year. The main aim of the program is to improve basic skills in the areas of reading, writing and arithmetic as well as to promote social and emotional skills.

Participating schools receive large amounts of funding, which comprise three pillars:

  • Investment budget: This is used to create equipment and infrastructure that is conducive to learning and takes into account the specific needs of local schools.
  • Opportunities budget: This finances pedagogical and systemic consultations as well as support measures that enable a sustainable improvement in school and teaching development.
  • Needs-oriented use of funds: The funding is used in coordination with school supervisory boards, school authorities and the schools themselves. Schools participating in the program conclude target agreements, strengthen regional networks and gain access to extensive support measures.
Start Opportunities with Education Minister Dorothee Feller
The plaques were presented in a festive ceremony by Minister of Education D. Feller.

On August 12, 2024, Ms. Hüning received the Startchancen plaque at an event in Gelsenkirchen. This was presented personally by Minister Feller. The ceremonial presentation of the plaques marks the symbolic launch of the program and thus the official start of this important initiative.

There is also good news, as an additional full-time position for a social education specialist in the school entry phase has already been advertised as part of the third pillar and - if everything goes according to plan - can be filled in the near future.

In the coming weeks and months, detailed information on the specific support provided as part of the program will be published. This will include specific teaching and school content as well as additional offers for parents to support the development of pupils. In addition, collaborations with external partners will be announced to further advance the program. This information and the exact timetable for the implementation of the measures will be made available here successively to keep everyone involved up to date.

Further information on the Startchancen program