The old school building from the side

Team spirits

Supporting children individually and strengthening the community!

Team spirits

Many children today grow up with few or no siblings, which makes it difficult to gain social and emotional experience. At school, however, the classroom offers a stable group of peers that serves as an ideal place for social learning. The "TEAMGEISTER" concept strengthens the life skills defined by the WHO and aims to teach social and emotional skills in a sustainable way.

In order for this to succeed, all school teachers were familiarized with the concept and professionally trained in it.

The main approaches are: promoting children's strengths, training positive behavior in the group, starting early and taking long-term action, involving parents and viewing social learning as a joint task of the school.

The people behind Teamgeist:

Ellen and Heiner Wilms

They supplemented their teacher training with several years of further training in Gestalt education at the Fritz Perls Institute in Düsseldorf.

Since 1995, they have been developing materials and training concepts for social and emotional learning and conducting corresponding training courses for teachers throughout Germany and at German schools in Europe.

As part of this work, they got to know and appreciate the Dutch program LEEFSTIJL and its author Jitske Schulte. Several discussions led to the idea of adapting the Dutch primary school material to the requirements of German elementary school and supplementing it with their own ideas. This resulted in the German program TEAMGEISTER, which is now available in its third revised and expanded version.

Without Prof. Dr. Klaus Hurrelmann's encouragement and support, the TEAMGEISTER project would always have remained just an idea.

This program will be implemented from the 2024/2025 school year starting with the new first grade. In future, each upcoming year group will spend one lesson per week dealing with the topics of team spirits.

At the parents' information evenings, the concept of team spirits is explained in more detail and illustrated with examples.

Questions about the program?

.. Saal as first contact person Mrs. E. Saalmann

+49 2562 9452-660