Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".



We are a non-profit registered association founded in 1998 on the initiative of parents. We provide care for your child after the end of the third period of school until 1:30 p.m. if required. Up to 75 children are cared for from Monday to Friday. You can decide for yourself on how many days of the week your child should be cared for. This makes it a little easier for you to combine family and career. Since this is a daycare, we do not offer homework help. Instead, the children can play, do handicrafts or rest under the care of our caregivers Heidi Krabbe, Gaby Richters, Jasmin Fischer and Elisabeth Thebelt.

Among other things, we make sure that fruit and water are always available to quench the little hunger or thirst.

You can reach the caregivers during care hours at the cell phone number listed on the right.

The current board of directors of our association is composed as follows:

1.chairman: Markus Busen

2nd Chairman: Sebastian Richter

Assessor: Christina Schatz