
In our OGS, 54 children are currently supported and cared for in two groups after school from 11.00 am to 4.30 pm. The children learn social skills, how to work together in a friendly manner, how to do their homework independently and how to resolve conflict situations.

With regard to homework, we are in close contact and exchange with the teaching staff. Parents should inform themselves daily about their children's homework and also practise reading daily.

Eating lunch together is a high priority in our educational concept and is part of our reliable and familiar structure. Here, the children learn to show consideration for others, to try different foods and to internalize appropriate eating habits.

To balance out the school day, we offer a range of different AGs in the afternoon.

The following AGs are taking place this school year.

  • Creativity
  • Sports
  • Robotics and
  • First aid club

We also try to realize projects with the library, the rock and pop museum, or trips to the cinema and the city park every year.

The aim of the OGS is to create an opportunity for parents to reconcile family and career, as well as to support children's education.

 Regular attendance at the OGS is compulsory!

In exceptional cases, e.g. swimming course, speech therapy, doctor's appointment, early pick-up is possible once a week.