Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".


New paths through a new job

Last year, Mr. A. Mollenhauer took the examination to become deputy principal. He passed this examination without any great surprise among the staff. He applied for a position in his home town and was accepted there. His time at Buterland School was to continue until the summer vacation. However, the time to say goodbye to him was set for January of this year. He was informed at short notice that he would be changing schools from February 1, 2024. This was a big shock for everyone. The question of a farewell gift was much bigger.

Gifts on the table

His school class surprised him with lots of small gifts on his last day at work. He received a large heart made with photos. He was also presented with a booklet designed by the children with the best moments of his past years as class teacher. Symbolically, there was also a painted tree with fingerprints representing leaves. It was intended to show Mr. A. Mollenhauer that the work he had invested - as in a tree - had allowed the pupils to grow and blossom. There was also a T-shirt designed by the children as a farewell gift. Of course, the parents of his class also thought of a gift. But he also had a little something for his class. Everyone received a small penguin pendant. Afterwards, the pupils and teachers plundered the buffet, which the children had put together themselves and even baked.

Mrs. Targas unwraps a present.

The Buterland School staff also designed many things. He received a lantern with the title "Colleague with a heart" to show him that he was not only a great companion to the pupils, but also enriched the staff immensely. He was also presented with a wall calendar. Each month was designed by his colleagues in a colorful and fun way. He will have to hang it up in his new office! There was also an emergency kit. It contains all the important materials he needs to start his new job successfully. Mr. Mollenhauer also gave the staff a gift. He gave them buzzers with audio recordings of him. So he will stay with the college.

On February 1, he takes up his new position as vice principal in his home town. The Buterland School wishes him all the best and hopes that he will not forget his time in Gronau.