Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".


Enrollment 2023

"School is an adventure"

Last Tuesday, 08.08.2023, this was the new motto for 68 first graders. The door to the school world opens and from here on they learn reading, writing, arithmetic and much more. Finally, the first lesson with their new class teachers, Laura Nadermann (1a), Melina Overmeyer(1b) and Michael Timmer(1c), took place on this day.

The fourth graders will once again be the newcomers' mentors this year. They will accompany the new students in the first school year, support them and help them in their new environment. In addition, they have been rehearsing a musical for this year's enrollment since last school year. Under the motto "the bewitched first day of school", the witch Cora, after a short welcome by Stefanie Hüning, made a mess of the enrollment ceremony. Nevertheless, the main characters managed to solve the tricky riddles with the help of the first graders. Under the direction of Vera Gelking (class leader 4a), Jens Krage (class leader 4b), Andreas Mollenhauer (class leader 4c) and Jannis Zellner (educator), the musical was a complete success, as the initial feedback from the parents, the first graders in conversation made clear.

Last Friday (11.08.2023) another performance of this musical took place. The year group showed their production once again to the rest of the school. There was also a final performance for the parents of the fourth grade. Both performances received very positive feedback from students, teachers and parents. The acting performance was particularly memorable. The songs even had catchy tune potential.

We wish all new school beginners, as well as all other students of the Buterland School a great school year 2023/2024.