Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".


Buterland School on Tour

On 20.09.2023 the whole school visited the NaturZoo Rheine. With six buses, almost 300 students with nearly 40 accompanying persons arrived there early in the morning. More than 1000 animals of about 100 different species were waiting for them there.

In small groups, the students then marveled at the animals. The penguins, turtles and the monkey forest were particularly interesting. But the "Mäusescheune" play area and the petting zoo were particularly popular. In the petting zoo, the children could experience goats and rabbits up close. There was also the possibility to feed the animals. In the barn, the children got the opportunity to learn about mice in a playful way.

An ice cream in between

There was also a lot of great stuff for Buterland School staff:ers to see. Teachers stationed themselves at various positions in the zoo. Mrs. Targas and Mrs. Vorspohl found the time in the bird aviary especially nice and interesting and stayed there for a while. This allowed the students to learn a bit more about how birds build their nests. Another highlight was the seal feeding show.Since last Wednesday was International Children's Day 2023, there was a special treat for each child. Each:r student:in with a voucher from school received an ice cream at the zoo's bistro. With sunshine and good mood, this was a very welcome action.

on the playground

On the way back, the students happily shared their experiences and impressions of the zoo. Overall, this day was really well received by the children and they are looking forward to further activities in the school year.