Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".


Class trip

Class trip 2024

From May 13 to May 15, the fourth year spent an action-packed time in Nordhorn.


After arriving at the accommodation, we headed straight to Nordhorn Zoo. There was a lot to see and experience there: Petting deer and goats, feeding kangaroos, meerkats and seals. During the course of the day, the children were also able to let off steam on the large playground with lots of great play equipment.

In the evening, everyone could choose their activity at the accommodation. Some played on the soccer and tennis courts and others bowled. At this time, a surprising visitor also arrived: Mr. Mollenhauer came by and played with the children from his former class. Time passed very quickly and the first day ended with many impressions.


After breakfast, we headed straight into the city center. There we went to the banks of the Vechte, where a team from Nordhorn Zoo was waiting. Once everyone was in the boats, we set off along the river. The children were introduced to the history of Nordhorn. The animals and plants that grow and live in and around the Vechte were discussed. Using the landing net, the children were able to take a closer look at the animals and plants in the river. At the end of the tour, they once again crossed the Vechtesee.

In the afternoon, the children had a choice: A visit to the youth center with various activities, an art activity or a visit to the textile museum.

  • At the youth center , the children could play community games, soccer, basketball and much more.
  • Things got active in the municipal art gallery. The children were able to let off steam creatively. Everything was allowed and they could paint with paint.
  • In the textile museum , the children went on a rally to discover the history of fashion in Nordhorn. They were also able to try on fashions from past decades.

In the evening, disco was the order of the day. We danced to the latest beats and evergreens. There were also glow bracelets.


Swimming trunks and towels were particularly important on the last day. We went to the nearby swimming pool. Here the children finally had enough time to swim. The return journey began in the early afternoon. By around 14:45, the three-day school trip was already over.