Facade with the inscription "Buterland School".



Soccer Cup 2024

The soccer cup is always held in June for all year groups. This means that good soccer players are selected from each year group. They then represent their year group in the Primary School Cup. The year groups of the respective schools then compete against each other and try to score as many goals as possible in a short space of time.

The girls' team (year 1)

The girls' teams did particularly well. On one occasion, the first-year girls took second place. The third-year girls also made it to second place in their league.

Unfortunately, the award ceremony had to be shortened somewhat as a rain shower intervened this year. As a result, only the names were read out and the medals handed out afterwards.

A big thank you also goes to the Förderkreis der Buterlandschule. They provided the T-shirts for this event. These white tops feature the school logo and the school name. This meant that the referees and other schools could immediately recognize who the children belonged to: The Buterland School

The Buterland School congratulates all participants in the Primary School Cup and hopes to win more places next year.